Friday, December 3, 2010

10 things I DO want to see in South Africa

I've just heard that I did get two scholarships (The Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship and one from UMn), so $7,000 is knocked out! As things start to fall into place, I feel it's safe to start counting eggs. I'll spare you all the nerdy science stuff, as when I see these things, I'll blog about them in detail at that time. For now, this is just a generalized listing:

1. The Cape Town Airport, Stellenbosch University and My Room.

I don't think I'll feel comfortable until I see these three things. My fears tell me I'll never get to Cape Town. If I do and then somehow manage to get to Stellenbosch, I'll get there and someone will peruse a clip-board and tell me that nope, my name isn't anywhere on it and to head on back to Cape Town to go back to the U.S.

2. Great White Sharks
From a boat........Breaching..........From a Cage........Dare I dream?

3. Table Mountain
This is, well, a flat top mountain that's about 3,500 feet above sea level (the Appalachian Mountains have a peak of about 4,700 feet).

3. Jackass Penguins
Why? Because I want to know why they're called "Jackasses."

4. Giant Land Snails!
I will not bring one home. I will not bring one home. I will not bring one home. I will not....

5. Deserts: Karoo & Namibia

6. Mammals

"The Big Five" is an old Hunting term used to refer to Lions, Rhinos, Leopards, Elephants and Buffalo. I suppose there's no way I'll avoid seeing these guys, but to be honest, they're not a huge draw since you can't touch them. Other than these, I hope to see: Southern Right Whales, Humpback Whales, Dolphins and Seals.

7. Insects
Goliathus albosignatus, Mecynorrhina passerinii, Taurhina splendens, Anisorrhina flavomaculata, Trichostetha fascicularis, Diplognatha gagates, Dung Beetles- any, Sparrmannia flava, Heliocopris neptunus, Catharsius tricornutus, Anachalcos convexus, Julodis cirrosa, Evides pubiventris, Idolomantis diabolica....

8. Judo
In South Africa Judo is practiced by more than fifteen thousand judokas (that's the name for someone who does Judo). Judo is VERY popular in the country and is taught in schools and local clubs. Apparently Stellenbosch has a pretty good team, too. I found a flier from the school in which they were featured: "The Maties judo team has achieved the near impossible by bringing home the USSA (inter-university) judo trophy for the seventh year in a row...." They had 5 team members who got Gold in their respective weight categories. Maybe they'll need someone to bring them towels or something.

9. Plants
Grasses, Acacias, Baobab Tree, Protea cynaroides (King Protea), Halfmen palms, Lithops, Quiver Tree, Aloe (in Karoo), Mpumalanga....

8. The Stellenbosch Winelands....and wine
Until a couple of years ago I had no idea that South Africa was a major wine producing country- in particular, Stellenbosch, Paarl and Franschhoek are the major production hubs. I had no trouble finding wine from South Africa at local liquor stores here in Minnesota, once I started looking.

9. Society? People? Transportation?
  • The Arrested Development Movie(it would be a social engagement if I don't go alone)
  • I suppose it would be interesting to see Robbeneiland (Robben Island).
  • Anyone that has done research in Madagascar.
  • People.
  • Metrorail (this is how I'll get around The Western Cape)

10. Other Countries in Southern Africa (most likely to least likely):
Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Mozambique, Madagascar (this one's a long shot, I know. Madagascar is about 2,000 miles from Stellenbosch, but hey, that's better than 10,000, right?), Mpumalanga, Congo (both), Camaroon, Gabon and Kenya.

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