Friday, January 7, 2011

10 Things I do NOT want to see in South Africa

As my departure date for South Africa approaches, I've been given some truly wise advice by a close friend:

"BE NICE TO YOUR FAMILY. You're probably going to die in Africa (or at least get brutally raped) let their last memories of you be fond ones."

This kind sentiment has made me think about the few things I do NOT want to see while in South Africa.

1. Gorilla Hand Ashtrays
This goes for any sort of dead animal trophies or novelties.

2. War/Violence

3. Infanticide
In my wildlife experiences, this is one behavior I hope to avoid seeing.

4. Shanty Towns/Slums
Cape Town's outskirts have Shanty towns/Slums-you know, the townships made from aluminum sheets and plywood. I have no plans to visit these places as, from my previous posting, poverty is not on my list of things to see. Much of the violence that goes on in this part of the Western Cape goes on here, as stupid tourists think it's some sort of tourist attraction.

5. Coagulated Goat Blood on a Stick

For snacking or any other purpose.

6. Prison
I know I'm going to be tempted with all the insects and snails, so this is likely the most relevant part of my list.

7. Rape Condoms/Gangs
Rape is a pretty big problem in South Africa. From what I can find, rape isn't as MUCH of a problem in the Western Cape vs. the other Capes, but it's still something to be aware of. This recent invention is meant to be a rape deterrent.

8. A Tangled Parachute

9. Hunting

10. McDonald's

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